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Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Value of Honesty

As children, most of us had parents who tried to convince us that cheaters never prosper and liars will not go to heaven. Happily, we are all aware of completely scrupulous people who prosper and reach great financial heights while exercising pure honesty. However, despite the teachings of our parents, dishonesty is still a large factor in business today.
"Do cheaters and liars prosper?...Of course they do! Do they live happy lives?...Of course not!

Compulsive liars - People who are so psychologically insecure that they believe lying is necessary for survival.

Strategic liars - People who stretch the truth, make up false stories or withhold the whole truth in order to win or make a point. These folks are often the best negotiators and deal makers in large, successful businesses.

White liars - They are the ones who believe that a small white lie now and again is not really a lie at all. These people often justify a lie because they believe it helped someone or at the very least did not harm anyone.

Situational liars - These are the lesser liars who do not make a habit of lying but will twist and turn the truth in order to avoid an unpleasant or difficult situation. You can find people from all five types at all levels of business. The most common form of dishonesty at the management or executive level is the Strategic type. North American business standards require that corporations succeed and grow. Business leaders who convince customers and employees of falsehoods in order to grow and succeed are often rewarded with huge paycheques and amazing bonuses. Success is the primary goal and anything short of outright criminal activity is justifiable as long as profitability is maintained. Occasionally the dishonesty crosses the line and alas, criminal activity ensues. Some high level leaders think nothing of lying to employees and customers. DISHONESTY IS HARD TO LIVE WITH
Despite their financial success, most dishonest leaders are never truly happy. They are often cynical, distrustful and fearful that someone might lie to them or catch them in one of their own lies. HONESTY BRINGS PEACE OF MIND!
It is almost impossible to regret being honest and telling the truth virtually never brings any personal guilt. Honesty produces wonderful reputations and creates friends wherever it goes. Honest people smile a lot and find the positive elements in everything they do. Often the positive attention they garner will bring opportunities for financial success that dishonest folks will never be offered. They are the good people of the world and others enjoy watching them succeed.
"The trust that honesty brings can catapult good people to fabulous wealth!"
Honesty, like success cannot be measured in money.

Based on article in Ezinearticle


Compulsive liar. We will do anything to survive :)

Thank you for another essential article. Where else could anyone get that kind of information in such a complete way of writing? I have a presentation incoming week, and I am on the lookout for such information.

strategic liars :D ngehehe . I love your writing . great . nice job .

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