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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Positive Thinking in Life

Positive thinking requires you to change regular way of thinking. Normally you consider negative things and get scared even if it is not that serious. So it is the first step of self improvement. Now you may be wondering why you need self improvement through positive things. Yes, both these terms are co-related and you can only improve yourself when you start thinking positively. I do not want to say you have to omit negative sides of anything what you are currently doing. I am just telling you to be positive and you have to find out ways to evade negative sides of any work. Then you can boost your self esteem and it will energize you to find out ways to evade anything that is coming on your way.

Basically, negativity gets on top of you when you come across any of these situations-

1. Low self esteem
2. Poor financial situation
3. Insecurity
4. Lack of daily activity
5. Health related hazards
6. Relationship issues

Above are the ways that can pull down your self esteem to a great deal and force you think negatives before positives. You complete forget how to resolve problems; rather you allow negatives to get on to you. Ultimately you loose everything.

In my opinion you have to understand the effect of positivity in life. If you can not bring it alone do not worry; take help; ask your partner or girlfriend/boyfriend or friends or close relatives; take suggestions. Discuss everything with them; share moments with them. In some situations people lose analyzing ability; you can ask your close ones to clarify things so that you can understand the situation better.

Positive thinking is the only way that can take you out of a stressed situation. In situations you may fail to think positively; ask someone who is expert in this business. Pep talks or vocal tonics are million dollar remedy of this so called problem. Read books written on such topics. If the condition gets the better of you ask an expert to help you.

Once you get control of your emotion you are half done. Yes, that's right. You have to to try this out at the beginning. You have to suppress all these sorts of stuffs; it may be that your girl friend has left you for some reason. It leaves deep impact on your life. It must be; but it is not that your life is over; you can still live; always remember you have several more things to face in life and who tells someone with more qualities come in your life! So be positive and take time to forget things.But never allow these negative thinking get on top of you. Let these thoughts go past you like a whistle. Prepare yourself in such a way that you can feel the pressure, absorb pressure and enjoy pressure! Just see how beautiful the world is when your world is built on positive thinking!

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dream What You Want To Dream

After you go to the real life, maybe you’ll find these questions, Where exactly do you want to go? And where do you want to be?
Your direction in life probably looks like this:
You are born...
You went to school... to study history, language, science, etc.
You had dreams...
You came out from school and started working...
Maybe you achieved some of your goals like getting a car, having the latest gadget...
Then what? You are looking forward to buy a home.
Day in and day out, you go to work waiting for the next pay-cheque to buy more things...
Some of you are happy in this state...
But most of you feel that something is missing in life. Life can be better than this. Life should be better. However, somehow along the way you got lost.
But you do not need to feel uncertainty, ANGER and FEAR every time you make a mistake. Just START NOW! Now is the best time to find your direction and start making small changes that will lead to your dream, where you have ample time to adjust and work WITHOUT FEAR AND ANGER. Your dream will become reality with your right action. Your thoughts lead to your action, and the action will create result.
The simplest way to understand yourself through BaZi analyse. Your Day Master of your BaZi already fill with many information of yourself and this is only first level of your characters:

Wood Day Master
Wood element can be categorized into yang, Jia Wood, and yin, Yi Wood. Jia Wood is like the tall trees of the Amazon forest.
At a glance, Jia Wood people are very sociable and comradely to all his Jia Wood brothers. And Yi Wood is like flowers, creeper and small plants. Yi Wood is never firm with their decision because of their fickle nature.  A Yi Wood has a far reaching career than Jia Wood in climbing the corporate ladder.

Fire Day Master
Fire element can be categorized  into the yang, Bing Fire, and the yin, Ding Fire. Bing Fire represents the one and only sun. Should you meet a Bing Fire person who behaves the opposite of this cheerful nature, you will know they are facing tougher time of their life.
Ding Fire represents the candle light. Ding Fire person unlike the Bing Fire, who is self-generating, can be burned out with their constant helpful nature.

Earth Day Master
Earth element can be categorized into the yang, Wu Earth, and the yin, Ji Earth. Wu Earth can be represented by mountain, rock and big boulder. The term rock solid aptly apply to the Wu Earth people.
Like the "Great Wall of China" built to block the attack from enemy, Wu Earth people are naturally protective, quiet and steady. Sometimes Wu Earth people are bug down by too much secret.
Ji Earth is the soil that grows the plants and produces mineral. Therefore, Ji Earth people have a nurturing and motherly characteristic. People always come to Ji Earth looking for answer and help while Ji Earth people will hardly say no to any request that come their way.
Hence, Ji Earth needs to be assertive, as people tend to walk all over them because of their good giving nature.

Metal Day Master
Metal element can be categorized into the yang, Geng Metal, and the yin, Xin Metal. Geng Metal can be represented by raw metal, axe, sword or in human form, Geng Metal is the hero who always rescue the damsel in distress.
Unlike the Wu Earth who just standby, fortified and protect, Geng Metal people will not hesitate to fight back or attack. Geng Metal people have a tough exterior and do not mix around easily. The tougher the life of Geng Metal the better their luck. It main objective is to attract people and for show.
Therefore, Xin Metal people love the glamorous limelight. Xin Metal people may not be pretty but they must stand out in the crowd. Xin Metal is going through bad cycle, if they have to work hard or are unnoticeable.

Water Day Master
Water element can be categorized into yang, Ren Water, and yin, Gui Water. Ren Water can be represented by the ocean. It covers 71% of the Earth's surface. Ren Water people are very resourceful too. Most of the top riches men in the world are Ren Water. Hence, Ren Water people should not delve deeply into emotion matter and should focus their mind on a trade.
Gui Water is like the morning dews, the cloud or the rain. While both Gui and Ren Water are flexible, Gui Water lack the Ren Water's dynamism and stamina.
With more depth analysis this will find more about yourself.

Based from Articles on EzineArticles

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ride your Bad Habit Now!

Bad habits are something that we all have to come to terms with because we're all going to have them at some point. It could be smoking, it could be nail biting, or it could even be overeating.
Follow  these strategies, if you want to set  on the right path:
Be Committed: Oftentimes we want to do things that we will never actually do. It might sound easy, but you will find that staying committed is difficult, especially if the work involved is something that you really do not want to do.
Avoid Peer Pressure: You are only doing this for one person - you.
Document your Progress: You need to know when your undesired behavior is occurring as this knowledge will give you a better idea of how to break it. Document your feelings. If you've documented your feelings however, you will know just how bad it was!
Substitute Behavior: By substituting your behavior you will either be coming up with a new behavior that reminds you to stop the old one,or you will be replacing with a much more desirable behavior.
For instance you could ride a bike, play a video game, jump rope, or even watch a movie.
Schedule your Replacement: It may not be possible to do a complete change in a short period of time. Try scheduling and gradually replacing your bad habit.
Soon enough, you should find that your new habit replaces your old one entirely. Don't be discouraged!
A Vow of Silence Doesn't Help: You need your family now more than ever. Gain the willpower you need to push through this difficult time and break the habit that you've always wanted to break.

Based on articles in Ezinearticle

The Value of Honesty

As children, most of us had parents who tried to convince us that cheaters never prosper and liars will not go to heaven. Happily, we are all aware of completely scrupulous people who prosper and reach great financial heights while exercising pure honesty. However, despite the teachings of our parents, dishonesty is still a large factor in business today.
"Do cheaters and liars prosper?...Of course they do! Do they live happy lives?...Of course not!

Compulsive liars - People who are so psychologically insecure that they believe lying is necessary for survival.

Strategic liars - People who stretch the truth, make up false stories or withhold the whole truth in order to win or make a point. These folks are often the best negotiators and deal makers in large, successful businesses.

White liars - They are the ones who believe that a small white lie now and again is not really a lie at all. These people often justify a lie because they believe it helped someone or at the very least did not harm anyone.

Situational liars - These are the lesser liars who do not make a habit of lying but will twist and turn the truth in order to avoid an unpleasant or difficult situation. You can find people from all five types at all levels of business. The most common form of dishonesty at the management or executive level is the Strategic type. North American business standards require that corporations succeed and grow. Business leaders who convince customers and employees of falsehoods in order to grow and succeed are often rewarded with huge paycheques and amazing bonuses. Success is the primary goal and anything short of outright criminal activity is justifiable as long as profitability is maintained. Occasionally the dishonesty crosses the line and alas, criminal activity ensues. Some high level leaders think nothing of lying to employees and customers. DISHONESTY IS HARD TO LIVE WITH
Despite their financial success, most dishonest leaders are never truly happy. They are often cynical, distrustful and fearful that someone might lie to them or catch them in one of their own lies. HONESTY BRINGS PEACE OF MIND!
It is almost impossible to regret being honest and telling the truth virtually never brings any personal guilt. Honesty produces wonderful reputations and creates friends wherever it goes. Honest people smile a lot and find the positive elements in everything they do. Often the positive attention they garner will bring opportunities for financial success that dishonest folks will never be offered. They are the good people of the world and others enjoy watching them succeed.
"The trust that honesty brings can catapult good people to fabulous wealth!"
Honesty, like success cannot be measured in money.

Based on article in Ezinearticle

Do You Want To Know Why?

"To the questions of your life you are the answer, and to the problems of your life you are the solution." -Joe Cordare
The reasons why people do what they do are wide and deep. Just look at all of the books written on mental and psychological disorders, criminal profiling, narcissism, sociopaths etc. People spend years studying why people do what they do.
Then there are people who simply lack integrity, honesty, ethics, values and those who couldn't care less about anyone but themselves.
There are so many different scenarios I can give you where people wonder why. Why did an ex steal $35,000 dollars from me? Why do people cheat on you? Lie to you? Hurt you? Why do people do what they do? You can drive yourself crazy, let it consume you, lose sleep over it, talk to everyone about it, try and figure it all out and you may even have the opportunity to confront the person and ask them why face to face. But, the reality is, what's the difference? What if you have the chance to ask your ex why they left you or cheated on you? And they give you an answer. When you want to know why, ask yourself this: How will knowing the answer to this question change anything? What will getting an answer to your question do in helping you deal with it? By holding onto the unanswered questions that you may never have the answers to only prolongs your suffering.
Accept that people are who they are and no matter why they did what did or do what they do, doesn't change the outcome. There is a big case in the U.S right now about a young mother who killed her 2 year old daughter. Answering, why, doesn't change the outcome.
So if you are banging your head against the wall wondering why about something, ask yourself why you aren't letting go of the past, accepting what is and enjoying your life?
Based on Article on Ezinearticle

The Important of Forgiveness

Some people say it isn't an easy thing to do;
others say it's easier to forgive than to forget.
Forgiveness can help you to let loose the negativity, such as anger, heat, rage, fear, or self-doubt; such feeling severs in your heart from past situations. Harboring these feelings in your heart will cause your behavior to change as well as your emotional balance.
According to Mahatma Gandhi, "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."
in Al-Quran:
And ye haste to the forgiveness of your Lord, Allah providessyurga as wide as heaven and earth are reserved for those who fear Him. That people who spend their wealth at a time when a good or a narrow field and those who restrain anger and forgive people's mistakes others, Allah loves those who do good. "(Surah al-Imran: 133-134).

"If you judge people you have no time to judge them." Mother Teresa.

If you having difficulty dealing with past mistakes or things you fail to accomplish, while some people might turn to religion, in the end, the inner strength comes from your willingness to be strong and forget.

Un-forgiveness Is Associated with Health Risks

Un-forgiveness is the Experience of Emotions Already Linked to Health Risks.

Un-forgiveness Causes Health Problems in a Manner Similar to Other

Chronic Stress Responses
The lacks of not forgiving one self can cause serious health problems, side effects, fatigue, depression; all of these symptoms are products of a weak immune system. Being without forgiveness is a distraction, and a stumbling block. The learning experience for me was that if you allow your situation to control your life; your future will remain uncertain. While you are healing, stay away from dangerous situations because forgiveness and healing are one.

Simple Ways to Be Happy Now

One life lesson we may learn too well is to seek happiness in good things ahead. We look to that future moment when we'll get that promotion, realize that dream, buy that special thing, or take that vacation, as the time when we'll be happy. However, if that is your primary focus, you may find yourself caught in the stress of forever-seeking and never fully enjoy what is happening right now.
When you merge these two skills, you learn to be happy now. In this article, we'll look at three simple actions that develop these skills and help you arrive at a state of present happiness.

1. Meditation is a practice of "being present" by focusing your attention in specific ways for a period of time. As you meditate, you learn to observe where your attention is located. You learn to recognize when your attention is drawn off to the past or the future so you can return to the present. This is a skill that you develop through consistent practice over time.
Reflection and planning are important skills as well. Yet, when you are unable to let go of worry and fear, you lose your ability to consciously choose your point of focus.
2. Appreciate
As you develop the ability to be present-focused, you start to notice more detail in what is occurring inside and around you. You can taste this moment because your attention is "here." You also discover that you can choose to focus on any number of different details about what is happening.
There will be circumstances that challenge your ability to find the good in them. Old habits of negativity, judgment, blame, and complaining will get triggered and you'll lose your appreciative focus.
See if you can observe your reaction, without being consumed by it. Witness your thoughts and feelings with a light, curious attention. Understand that thoughts and feelings come and go-and you have a choice about which ones you entertain and maintain. You can choose your focus in line with your intent. That is the key to being happy now.

Become a grateful person!

We have been taught instead to focus primarily on goals and achievements that we are working toward. Most people have had the experience of that feeling of let down immediately after accomplishing a goal. Without something to continuously look forward to, the current moment can seem empty and even frightening. This practice can generate a constant state of wanting that can be alleviated only by formulating the next goal or acquisition.
Besides the constant wanting, not all people accomplish their goals or get what they want. Depending on their equilibrium, they can experience real devastation if they perceive their inability to reach a goal as a failure. If we are grateful, we may want more than what we have, but we simultaneously are aware of and enjoy what we already do have. A person who finds upon arriving at the store that the store has just run out of his favorite flavor of ice cream may become irritated or even angry. If we weren't taught how to be grateful, it is a habit that we will have to cultivate. Do we have shelter, family, friends, clothing, food, health? These are basic things that we enjoy for most of our lives and take for granted. If we lose the sense of entitlement that make us feel that only good is coming to us, and examine the good on a regular basis, we will become more grateful people.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

I want to Run Away

When I think more deep again, I want to run away from all people.
 I felt that I never have a place at here, not something that just imagination but something that make me felt so sad. I already to make a new plan, and if I can make this come true I'll never come back to this place. I must reach this, I'll do anything to reach this. Maybe in this month (the special month in my religion that come yesterday) I hope to my God to give me one opportunity again. I'll never waste that opportunity, I promise my God.
I can, yes I can...
I know I can do this...
Like the advertisement and the slogan from the big shoes company "Just do it!" and I'll get that, and I'll did that, and the last I'll be reach.
Get your fire for your spirit Friends!!!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Dare to be different!

I like something that different from the others, that's I'm. When the others said A maybe my idea is B, and I must reach that. When I get this I'll said with a big proud to them! (I've imagine this so long) I don't want to control by the others, I want stand in my foot. My ideas is learn about internet marketing, and I want to be the great internet marketer. If I can reach them and get the dollars I just can smile to them. I know, I can reach that. You know what the wonderful life is can life with our passion. This can be something that can make us proud. Don't listen to what people said, your way is right. Don't you give up no matter what the other people said, you know that. The success people knew this, if you have a dream, and you want to reach that you must ready with what you will face on your journey. I knew that and you knew that, so get a FIRE friends!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Hello My friends on the world...

This is my first post in blogging, I trying to write stories of my life here. Life liciouz, yeah I love it, because every step that I take is give me some wonderful sensation. How about you my friends? Did you like to writing?
I still learned in writing, there are most of peoples that more expert than me. But this not problem, if we serious and we never give up we can be like them. So let's we writes if you likes, and sharing to make our life charming.
This just short introduction about this blog, and I hope, I can continue until I can't to writing again about my life... Life Liciouz my friends...


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